Somerset Discipline

Discipline in Somerset

Discipline at Somerset

Disciplinary Panels deal with disciplinary matters on behalf of the County Union under powers delegated by the R.F.U.

Club Secretaries (or other appropriate Club Officer(s)) should familiarise themselves with the R.F.U.’s Disciplinary Regulations (as set out in the R.F.U. Handbook) and the matters contained in the County’s own “Discipline Handbook” copies of which have been provided to all clubs and which can also be found on this website.


Alison Bennett
Secretary of Disciplinary Panels
07732 788777

For the attention of Discipline Secretaries

With the welcome return to rugby across the County I am keen, as in previous seasons, to have a clear process for all clubs to follow should there be a red card issued at age grade and senior level.

Please notify me, in writing or by text, within 48 hours of the game being played stating:

  • Name of club and player
  • RFU registration number
  • Date of game
  • Offence
  • Name of referee and which Referee Society he/she represented

The Disciplinary Regulation and appendices are available on the left hand side of this page, as well as on the RFU website, please ensure you are familiar with the content and advise the relevant volunteers within your club of the procedures to follow. Should you have any queries regarding the regulations please contact me as I am happy to support.

Once again I am setting up a database of all club discipline officers for the 2023/24 season so please confirm to me your name, contact telephone number and email address, so I can liaise with you effectively should the need arise.

Many thanks and I hope we have a quiet season for discipline matters!

Yours in rugby

Alison Bennett
Honorary Disciplinary Secretary
Somerset County RFU Ltd